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Bellevue Heritage Trees

Jun 11

2 min read




Welcome to Bellevue Heritage Trees, a place dedicated to preserving the history and natural beauty of our beloved Bellevue. This blog aims to tell the story of a particular house in Bellevue, its rich history, and the beautiful trees that once graced its surroundings.

A Change of Ownership and a Loss of Greenery

The property was purchased by a newly created LLC with the house number called “12xxx Bellevue LLC”, linked to investors outside of U.S.

In a devastating turn of events, all the trees on the property were cut down, despite the permit stating that four trees were to be kept. This included a tree that was over a century old, a silent witness to the history of Bellevue.

A House with a History

This house was more than just a building; it was a home, a sanctuary, and a source of inspiration. It was owned by the renowned pottery artist, Andy Phibbs. Her creativity flourished within these walls, and the beauty of the surrounding nature was often reflected in her art. Sadly, Andy has passed away, but her spirit and love for nature live on in the memories of this place.

The Trees of Bellevue

Bellevue was blessed with an abundance of beautiful trees, some of which were over 100 years old. These trees were not just part of the landscape; they were part of our community’s identity and heritage.

Our Mission

Through this blog, we aim to raise awareness about the importance of preserving our natural heritage. We hope to engage with the community, share updates, and explore ways to prevent such incidents in the future.

Join us as we delve into the history of the house, celebrate the life of Andy Phibbs, mourn the loss of our beautiful trees, and discuss how we can work together to ensure that Bellevue remains green and beautiful.


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